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The Genius In Us

By Vivian Cobb

ISSUE 990 - July 2024

I've been in Minneapolis, Minnesota for a couple of weeks. It's been quite the change of scenery and climate from Colorado's mountains and dry heat.

It hasn't been as hot temperature-wise, but wow, that humidity is something else. And lots of rain! I lived in Dallas, so I know humidity, and I don't miss it at all. After 31 years in Colorado, I'm acclimated and love the low humidity. 

The other thing that I love in Colorado is my hair because when I go to a humid climate, with these natural curls of mine, I get humidity hair. Even full of products, my hair breaks through in humidity. It says, "No, you are not going to hold me down; I am going to frizz; I don't care what you do."

When I lived in Dallas, in high school, my nickname was Electric Viv because the kids thought it looked like I put my finger in a light socket. Zap! This visual is brought to you by the cartoon industry.

Moving on to the highlight of being in Minneapolis. There are many great things to do here, but one of my favorite things was going to Paisley Park, the house and studios of the late rock star Prince. 

I hate to admit this, but I am a late Prince bloomer. I started appreciating him and his music just a few years ago. He wasn't on my radar when I was younger. I was familiar with his mega hits but knew very little about him and his genius.

Visiting where he lived and created his music was fascinating. Learning what a genius the man was musically and how much creativity he had—oh my gosh, it was stunning to see. Did you know he had so many songs in him that he not only wrote for other artists but spearheaded the creation of other bands so he would have outlets for his music because he couldn't perform all those songs himself? 

Imagine having that much inside of you: genius, passion, and creativity. We all have that in us to some degree, but those of us who find it early in our lives, what a blessing. You know, those little kids who know they want to be a doctor in second grade and then become one. Or people who love math, like my son, Chris, loves math. You should hear him talk about math. I have no idea what he's talking about, but I'm riveted because he's so passionate about it. And guess what? He teaches math and loves it.

Or the people who hear music in their heads and can write songs from a very early age, like Mozart, Prince, and Taylor Swift. (Yes, I went there).

Even though getting the download early in life is a gift, finding your genius and passion anytime is always possible. If you have that little thing in you that makes your heart and soul sing, that's what you need to be pursuing. Whether young or old, following a dream or enjoying a passion gives meaning and joy to our lives.

Look at me, for example. I've found my gift for speaking. I love it so much; it lights me up when I share my stories. It also helps others, which is the icing on the cake. 

Going to Paisley Park was truly inspirational for me. It reminded me of my passion and motivated me to keep going. I encourage you to find your genius and keep going, too.

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