Don't Be Left Unprepared
Have Those Conversations Now!
If you're a woman concerned about your partner aging and not understanding the finances if something were to happen, or you are a professional woman who keeps avoiding the conversation around finances, reach out.
Through speaking engagements, mentoring, workshops, and retreats, women and their partners can benefit from Vivian’s experience and insights. From advocating for their value to building successful financial habits and behaviors, women and their partners will learn essential and transformational mindset change.
Vivian speaks from the heart. She connects with people — live or virtually — with emotional keynotes that empower audiences to embrace their worth and stop avoiding crucial conversations about money.
Vivian is on a mission to inspire others to be honest and not keep secrets. This talk is not about finances but speaks to the foundational message of transparency and embracing who we truly are.
Vivian is a natural storyteller, who weaves engaging tales from her own life into inspirational life lessons. She is an award winning speaker, presenting to a variety of organizations and corporations on a national and international level.
Vivian helps women understand how important it is to not only be in control of their finances, but also how empowering it can be to be financially confident.
Client Testimonials
—Ben Katz, The New Yorker Radio Hour Podcast
—Kristy McMillon, AT&T, FACES DFW
—Suanne Terry, AT&T, FACES DFW
—Asta Star, Coordinator, Stories on the Edge
—Lynn Cedarquist, Audience Member
—John Herd, Audience Member
Talking about finances can be difficult, given all the conditioning and emotions surrounding the subject.
Whether you're controlling your finances or letting your partner control them, it's important to be financially confident so you can advocate for your financial future.
Taking this quiz is a great first step to accessing where you are and becoming financially confident!
Vivian Cobb, All Rights Reserved.